This hero is a little tricky. Having a short range spell casting but it's certainly powerful. In order to get a good play, get a Arcane Ring first which you will first buy a protection ring and a recipe then a energy booster. Next, get Mystic Staff, Ultimate Orb and Void Stone for Guinsoo. This will increase your HP, MP, Dmg and most importantly ability to hex. With these key items done, you can now further improve yourself with items such as boot of travel, Eye of Skadi and Ahganim's Scepter.

For skills, focus on Death Pulse(1st Skill). With Arcane Ring in hand, Sadist(3rd Skill) and Diffusion Aura(2nd Skill) can be upgraded together by turn. His ultimate skill Reaper's Scythe is the best. You must get it at level 6 in order to be a perfect killer. Once a hero get into red life, just use his Ultimate skill on target.
This hero is quiet easy to use if you know the trick. Once you get your items done, you'll become a powerful killer in your game.
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