This is hero is easy to use. Don't bother to buy Boot of Speed or Glove of Haste at the beginning but instead 3 Gauntlet of Strengths and Ancient Tango of Essifation. Earn as much money as possible before night comes. As soon as night arrives, return to base to get both Boots of Speed and Glove of Haste. If you are rich enough, upgrade your Gauntlets to Bracers. You must start hunting in the first night. Aim weaker heroes to kill. Until the sun rises again, you stop killing and continue with your farming. Better not trying to kill heroes at day. Go for Satanic, Battle Fury or Buriza-do Kyanon.
Skills, focus on Void(1st skill) which to slow target at night. Hunter in Night(2nd skill) is your second concern. You must have this skill ready for every night hunting especially the first night. Crippling Fear(3rd skill) least focus, usually ready for heroes that use skill to escape in night. If there is no heroes like that in your match then you're lucky. Ultimate, Darkness. Get it ready whenever you can. Activate it during day when you feel like killing.

Balanar is Night-time Hero. Upgrade your attack speed and movement speed to the max and get ready to rock!
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