Silkroad projects an ancient European and Chinese culture where international trading of goods happens. In this game, players has their freedom to change job at anytime. With both civilizations, Roma in the west and China in the east, merchants travel the risky journey for trade under the protection of hunters whereas thieves are trying to rob the goods. If merchants were to success in trading, hunters too will receive their rewards in return. If they should fail, the thieves will gain the profits instead.
Player can choose either to be an European or a Chinese which then leads to different skills learnt. Note that the starting point for both races are different too.
Triangular Conflict Composition
Users can freely choose to be either merchant, hunter, or thief that every job has its own attractions and advantages.
Merchants play the center role in caravan, they circulate goods, and can make employments through contracts with hunters.
Protecting players and justice from all sorts of criminals that bring chaos to game order.
Not aware of other people, they are used to committing evil deeds, they try to make easy money by selling goods they steal from merchants.
In order to become a merchant, hunter or thief, one must join a guild of profession. Merchant or Hunter guild can be found in any village whereas Thief guild can only be found in bandit villages.
Some tips:
Extra experience
Party with no auto-share experience(availability: max four)
Party of two people, +2.5% experience
Party of three people, +3.75% experience
Party of four people, +5% experience
They aid in attacking enemies where it shall gains experience and levels too. Plus, they can change in appearance.
Gray Wolf
Purchased at stables in each town
White Wolf
Purchased through the item mall
Differences between str base and int base:
Increases Physical balance (damage)
Increases physical damage
Reduces damage from physical attacks
Increases hit points
Increases magical balance (damage)
Increases magical damage
Reduces damage from magical attacks
Increases mana points
Quest guides can be obtained here.
More information at Official Website.
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